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Free Flu Vaccinations for People with Learning Disabilities and Their Carers

Public Health England recently shared information on a guidance they published about flu vaccinations for people with learning disabilities.

In it, they cited studies showing that respiratory illnesses are a major cause of death among people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). To help address this, PHE included people with learning disabilities in the clinical risk groups that are eligible for free immunisation. This offer also covers family carers and other health & social care professionals who work with the person, as this will help to protect them and reduce the risk of spreading the flu to the people they support.

If carers have the vaccination this improves protection for the people they care for.

Public Health England, NHS, and the National Development Team for Inclusion also produced a number of documents and videos to help us (including the people we care for) understand this better:

By | 2018-09-27T13:14:19+01:00 September 27th, 2018|Categories: Information Sharing|Tags: , , , , |

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