Improving Your Mental Health with Self Help Charity

We were recently contacted by Self Help Services, a mental health charity that delivers a range of FREE primary mental health care services and initiatives for people experiencing common mental health difficulties such as anxiety, depression and low mood. They gave us updates about their service during this time:

We’re a mental health charity that provides psychological therapy to thousands of individuals across Manchester every year. We primarily offer cognitive-behavioural therapy and counselling to help improve symptoms of mild to moderate anxiety and depression and other common mental health problems.

We’re still operating during lockdown and have been providing support online, over the telephone, and through video calls.

To help with the anticipated increased demand for mental health services in light of recent events, we currently have no waiting list for our service and would encourage you to make referrals for anyone who might benefit from mental health support. Our service is commissioned by the NHS, so it’s entirely free.

If our service isn’t able to provide the appropriate support for someone who is referred, we’ll make sure we find the right place. We conduct 45 minute initial telephone appointments with those who are referred to work out what’s best for them. Regardless of the problem – big or small – we’ll try to find something suitable that we or another service offers.

Email from Keanu Court | Group Development and Community Engagement Team Lead | Self Help

If you are struggling to cope with anxiety, depression, panic or sleep-related problems, you can access quick and confidential support by self-referring at or by ringing 0161 226 3871.

You can also ask your GP to refer you.

You can learn more about how Self Help can help you via

By | 2020-06-27T16:04:43+01:00 June 27th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |

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