Information Sharing : Disability and Housing Focus Group – Equality and Human Rights Commission & Breakthrough UK

    Breakthrough UK, a Manchester-based disabled people’s organisation supporting disabled people to work and live independently, recently shared with us information about a focus group they are facilitating for the Equality and Human Rights Commission. EHRC has launched a formal inquiry on disabled people and housing, with questions mainly around people’s experiences of looking for accessible rented accommodation, or adapting it, particularly in privately rented accommodation. They’ll also discuss allocation of social housing and the effectiveness of support participants have had with their tenancies.

    The organisers are especially keen to invite parents of:

    • people with disabled children living with them
    • disabled people with children living with them

    If you fit any of the above criteria or know someone who does, please contact Breakthrough UK to express your interest in attending the session.

    The EHRC can pay for travel, access and childcare costs. British Sign Language interpreters are booked. The session will be recorded by the EHRC as part of the formal inquiry but all contributions will be anonymised and the information won’t be kept after the inquiry.

    What: Disability and Housing Focus Group
    When: 10:00am – 12:00pm, Thursday, 20th July
    Where: Central Manchester

    Human Rights housing forum poster

    By | 2017-07-13T13:42:18+01:00 July 13th, 2017|Categories: Focus Group, Information Sharing|Tags: , , |

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