Information Sharing: Training Opportunities in March 2019

    Hello everyone,

    We would just like to share a few training/coaching opportunities that some partners have shared with us recently.

    Social Care Pilot [15 March, 10am-1pm, Westwood Street Office]

    This session is free to Manchester Parent Champions who are interested in doing some one to one work with parents whose child has a social worker. Debbie, Team Manager of the Disabled Children’s Team, is going to run the session and you will get a certificate for being part of the pilot. A nice lunch and transportation will be provided.

    Click on this link to learn more about the Parent Champions programme.

    Please ring or email Mona, Parental Engagement Officer for Manchester City Council, if you would like to attend.

    Equality Act Training [21 March, 10am-2pm, Westwood Street Office]

    This free training will give you an overview of the Equality Act and your child’s rights in Education. Lunch and transportation will be provided.

    Booking is required. Please ring or email Mona, Manchester City Council’s Parental Engagement Officer, if you would like to get a place in the course.

    Screenshot of the flyer for IAS Manchester's EHCP training session - text plus IASM's logo
    Image Credit: IAS Manchester

    EHCP Training from IAS Manchester [27 March, 10am-12pm, Westwood Street Office]

    This is a free Q&A-type of session to explain the options available to parent-carers of a child/young person with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) if they have not received their first choice preference when transferring school this year. The information session will be run by IAS Manchester, who advise on special education needs for 0-25 year olds and their parents/carers.

    Please phone 0161-209 -8356 to book a place.

    Pankhurst Trust’s “Some Women Coaching” Project [May 2019]

    The Pankhurst Trust Some Women Coaching initiative offers free coaching to women who want to further develop their leadership skills. This is aimed at women who are currently in or have previously had a leadership role or position, whether at work or in a voluntary capacity. The organisers are particularly keen to ensure that both coaches and clients represent the women of Greater Manchester.

    We are seeking women that will make a difference to society by moving to positions of power or helping others to do so.

    Source: Pankhurst Trust

    This coaching offer is free but you would have to complete the application form to join. The closing date for applications is 31 March 2019, 12 noon, and you can expect a reply to your request by the 20th of April 2019. Coaching will commence in May.

    Please contact if you have questions about the project.

    By | 2019-03-05T13:39:53+00:00 March 5th, 2019|Categories: Course, Information Sharing, Workshop|Tags: , , , , |

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