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Information Sharing: A Few More FREE Workshops in May 2019

Last week, we wrote about some free workshops for carers in Manchester this month, including Manchester Carers Network’s “Benefits for Carers” and Greater Manchester Autism Consortium’s “Sensory Needs Seminar”, among others.

Below are a few more free courses that you may find useful for your parenting/caring role, for your mental and emotional well-being, as well as for your own personal development.

Contact Information Sessions for Parent-Carers

Parents and carers of children aged 0-7 who have additional needs or a disability, are invited to book onto these welcoming, relaxed and informative sessions. Places are free and are being held by Contact, in partnership with RHOSEY.


Topic: Working with Professionals
When: Tuesday, 14 May, 9:30am-12pm
“This session will help you to develop skills to feel more confident in making decisions about your child when meeting and communicating with professionals.”

Topic: Planning Outcomes
When: Tuesday, 21 May, 9:30am-12pm
“This session will focus on the educational support that children and young people are entitled to with regards to their special educational needs.”

Topic: Building Parental Resilience
When: Tuesday, 4 June, 9:30am-12pm
“This session will explore ways to help you look after yourself and your family.”

Topic: Encouraging Positive Behaviour
When: Tuesday, 11 June, 9:30am-12pm
“This session will look at why our children behave the way they do, how to encourage positive behaviour and top tips to help.”

Topic: Money Matters
When: Tuesday, 18 June, 9:30am-12pm
“This session will address the additional costs of bringing up a child with a disability and help you understand the range of grants, benefits and entitlements available and know how to get support.”

Where: All sessions will be held at Rodney House Outreach for Early Years (RHOSEY), Albert Grove, Longsight M12 4WF

Book via: Donna Griffin [Tel:0161 230 3675 or 07940 701640; Email:d.griffin@rodneyhouse.manchester.sch.uk] (FREE)

Get Ready for Work courses

Gain the skills you need to get ready for work by completing these 4 online courses (Worth £132 but you get it FREE). You get a certificate at the end of each course; they are recognised by industries so you can put them on your CV.

– Communication Skills
– Presentation Skills
– Interviewing Skills
– Customer Service Training

Northmoor Community Association

You can sign up for these courses at the Next Step project, which is on every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9:30am to 12:30pm, at Northmoor Community Centre.

When: Weekdays except Wednesday, 9:30am-12:30pm
Where: Northmoor Community Centre, 95-97 Northmoor Road, Longsight M12 5RT

Book via: 0161 248 6823 orinfo@northmoorcommunity.org (FREE)

Health and Wellbeing for Carers course

Learning new skills or improving your existing knowledge can make life as a carer much easier. Health and Wellbeing for Carers gives you a better understanding of the problems you may face as a carer and helps you find new ways to tackle them.

This course has been developed in partnership with a number of the Trust’s carers to make the course specific for people who care for people with dementia, mental health and/or substance misuse problems.

By the end of this course, you will:
– Discover how caring affects your life and how to balance your commitments better
– Understand the emotions you may feel when caring and find practical ways to deal with them
– Learn how to relax and take time for yourself.

Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust

When: Tuesday, 14 May, 10:00am-2:30pm
Where: Room 3, The Curve, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, Bury New Road, Prestwich, Manchester M25 3BL

Book via: https://www.gmmh.nhs.uk/course-list/health-and-wellbeing-for-carers-861/ (FREE)

Manchester Cares social clubs and workshops

Below are some free Social Clubs and workshops for people aged 65 and over. The events are hosted by younger people in their 20s and 30s who want to meet you and hear your stories.

Please note that these are not necessarily specific to carers. Manchester Cares is a new community network of young professionals and older neighbours hanging out and helping one another in our rapidly changing city; their events are aimed at people aged 65 and up.

Learn more at https://manchestercares.org.uk/social-clubs.

What: Business Visit and Technology Workshop
When: Wednesday, 29 May, 2-4:30pm
Where: AJ Bell, 4 Exchange Quay, Salford M5 3EE
“Bell, one of the UK’s largest investment platforms invite you along to their workspace at Salford Quays, to learn about what they do, and then take part in a Technology Workshop, where you can either bring along your phones/laptops/gadgetsor a computer will be provided. Places are limited so please call a member of the team on 0161 207 0800 to book your place.”

What: Cooking Club
When: Friday, 31 May, 1-3pm
Where: Aquarius Community Centre, 21 Eden Cl, Hulme, Manchester M15 6AX
“Join younger neighbours to cook up some tasty treats in the kitchen. All materials will be provided but let us know in advance if you have any dietary requirements ­and bring along a Tupperware to take the delicious food home if you have one!”

Please call Lauren to book onto any of these activities on 0161 207 0800.

They have more social clubs and other activities listed at https://www.manchestercarersnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/May-Programme-PDF.pdf

By | 2019-05-10T13:34:40+01:00 May 10th, 2019|Categories: Course, Information Sharing, Workshop|Tags: , |

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