Support for Carers of People with Learning Needs and Disabilities

    Every Monday to Friday, you can now contact us between 10am to 6pm via the following mobile numbers:

    We can also be contacted via email or Facebook Messenger any day of the week; we will try to respond as soon as possible. Please leave your number together with your message if you wish us to give you a call back.

    Our centre in Wythenshawe, Manchester remains closed to visitors but we are as happy to help you as always. <3

    There’s plenty of information, help and support available for parents, carers and families of people with learning needs and disabilities in Manchester.

    • Manchester City Council has a coronavirus section for all things related to Covid-19:

    This includes information about support for Manchester’s most vulnerable people, schools & adult education, benefits & money, leisure activities, public events & gatherings, and many other things. Manchester’s Community Response Hub is open Monday to Saturday, 8:30am-5:30pm. If you need support with food, medicines or fuel bills, you can contact their freephone number 0800 234 6123 or email address:

    • The SEND Local Offer also offers information that are particularly relevant to families with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). These include information about the IAS Manchester Helpline, Short Breaks advice for parents & carers, emotional wellbeing for children and their family, and things to do at home.

    • Manchester Carers Network, which we are proudly part of, has a Covid-19 Information section that includes welfare & benefits advice & guidance, community support, and online food shopping support, among others.

    • Manchester Parent Carer Forum has a Coronavirus SEND Information Hub that contains loads of information relevant to parents & carers of children & young people with SEND. Their blog is regularly updated with information not only from themselves but also from various services & organisations that offer support to families of people with learning needs and disabilities.

    By | 2020-05-15T17:40:20+01:00 May 15th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |

    One Comment

    1. […] but, if you need help with benefits appeals, just message us via our email contact form or give us a ring between 10am to 6pm on weekdays and we will help where […]

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