Support for Carers of People with Learning Needs and Disabilities

    Every Monday to Friday, you can now contact us between 10am to 6pm via the following mobile numbers:

    We can also be contacted via email or Facebook Messenger any day of the week; we will try to respond as soon as possible. Please leave your number together with your message if you wish us to give you a call back.

    Our centre in Wythenshawe, Manchester remains closed to visitors but we are as happy to help you as always. <3

    There’s plenty of information, help and support available for parents, carers and families of people with learning needs and disabilities in Manchester.

    • Manchester City Council has a coronavirus section for all things related to Covid-19:

    This includes information about support for Manchester’s most vulnerable people, schools & adult education, benefits & money, leisure activities, public events & gatherings, and many other things. Manchester’s Community Response Hub is open Monday to Saturday, 8:30am-5:30pm. If you need support with food, medicines or fuel bills, you can contact their freephone number 0800 234 6123 or email address:

    Help is available if you need it.We need you to share this with those you know that might need this service during these times.Our new freephone helpline will support the most vulnerable during these times. Our lines open from 8.30am from Monday 30 March 2020 & sit alongside our Coronavirus portal: The Hub’s freephone number is: 0800 234 6123The service will initially offer support to:- those 70+ who are self-isolating & have no support network- those who have received NHS letter advising they are at higher risk / medically vulnerable according to Government criteria- those self-isolating with no support networksTo learn more about our new Hub, how it works and how people who need it can access it – visit:

    Posted by Manchester City Council on Friday, March 27, 2020

    • The SEND Local Offer also offers information that are particularly relevant to families with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). These include information about the IAS Manchester Helpline, Short Breaks advice for parents & carers, emotional wellbeing for children and their family, and things to do at home.

    • Manchester Carers Network, which we are proudly part of, has a Covid-19 Information section that includes welfare & benefits advice & guidance, community support, and online food shopping support, among others.

    • Manchester Parent Carer Forum has a Coronavirus SEND Information Hub that contains loads of information relevant to parents & carers of children & young people with SEND. Their blog is regularly updated with information not only from themselves but also from various services & organisations that offer support to families of people with learning needs and disabilities.

    By | 2020-05-15T17:40:20+01:00 May 15th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |

    One Comment

    1. […] but, if you need help with benefits appeals, just message us via our email contact form or give us a ring between 10am to 6pm on weekdays and we will help where […]

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