Specialist Resource Team (SRT), Parental Engagement Officers, and Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Drop In

The following people/ organisations will be in the centre for information and advice about their respective expertises:

  • Specialist Resource Team (SRT) : Short Breaks
  • Parental Engagement Officers : Local Offer support and child care brokerage
  • Information,
By | 2017-03-14T13:48:17+00:00 January 19th, 2017|Tags: , , , |

Local Offer Support

Here at Lifted, we strive to make a positive difference and improve the health and well-being of those carers using the service. We offer support and information about the Manchester Local Offer. If you have any

By | 2017-03-07T11:44:36+00:00 January 6th, 2017|Tags: |