Well being blog

Hi everyone.

I hope you had some time to enjoy the festive holidays and the new year.

I was wondering this month what my next topic should be for the next edition of the blog. I was having a bit of a mental block, when I was recently asked what my new year’s resolution was?

That got me thinking, I’m not one for new year resolutions, why should we add an additional burden upon ourselves. Just so we can say new year new me?

I’m more of the type of person, where if I want to make a change I do it whenever it feels right and for however long. Which made me think of the topic for this blog.

Wellbeing within the carers community.

I know this topic is one of the big reasons that brought most of you to Lifted. Lifted as you know we are all about building and supporting the carers up.

But what well being and self care do we actually do for ourselves?

When I hear you need to look after yourself, I always think I don’t have the time. I have other things to do.
That’s when it hit me, self care doesn’t have to be for hours, it doesn’t even have to be 5 minutes. It’s just something where we stop and enjoy something small for ourselves, this isn’t to say it can’t be enjoyed without others, it’s about finding that happiness for yourself.

I was talking with a friend this past week and her new hobby is to write one word/sentence at the end of the day in her diary of something she did for herself. She doesn’t write everyday but she said it’s nice to look back over the small things she has done.

So for this blog, I tried it as well. I made a mental note to myself that I don’t have to do self care everyday but if I had time to do two things at once and one of them had to be for me.

Here is my well being list for the last week;

  • I listened to a new album while I had a shower. Not all of it but it was fun to sing along while in the shower (and yes I know I sound  like a cat fight). I think this is going to be a new thing for me. I even tried it with my niece and nephew. They loved it, plus it was nice to hear them singing along.
  • I painted my nails while I was watching TV with the family. Just a small self pampering for myself, which was no more than 5 minute, but those 5 minutes where mine and looking at my nails is a reminder I did something for myself.
  • Found a new type of tea to drink (flowering tea). You watch it bloom then you drink it. I’m not one for normal tea but I love flavored tea, but I never really get around to making it or drinking it, but with these new flowering teas, you get pulled into watching it bloom for upto 3 minutes. It was just fascinating  just watching it and doing nothing else but watching it bloom.
  • The new big one for me is I have found a podcast that I love to listen to and I find that the best time for me to listen to it is just before I go to sleep. I put it on my phone with one ear phone in and just lay there and listen to it.

I’ve enjoyed the mini diary, especially the tasks that I set myself for this blog, but for my next blog I would love for it to be a follow up to what you do for you, that way we can share our tips with each other. No pressure though, this is not a new year resolution.

Before I publish this blog. Don’t forget that Lifted also has the following activities taking place:

  • Walking group every wednesday. Ring Sue for more information 07384784262
  • Support group for those who care for an adult on the autistic spectrum, this group meets every third Thursday of the month. Ring Steve for more information 07494097568
  • Support group for those who care and support an adult with substance misuse issues, This group meets every fourth Thursday of the month.  Ring Steve for more information 07494097568
By | 2022-02-01T13:06:17+00:00 February 1st, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |


  1. Nina Fedorski February 1, 2022 at 1:44 pm - Reply

    Lovely blog! I like the idea of the flowering tea!

    I try to make a cup of tea mindfully once a day, instead of dashing. I try to notice the sound of the water going into the cup, the steam rising, the smell of the tea, and really taste it instead of it being just something I don’t notice…

    • Kate February 3, 2022 at 12:50 pm - Reply

      I really like the sound of naming it your mindful tea. Makes it something special. Do you go for the ‘normal’ tea or do you try other types?

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