Here at Lifted, we are a user-led organisation displaying empathy, understanding and care for all those visiting our centre. We strive to make a positive difference and improve the health and well-being of those carers using the service.

One-to-One Appointments
If you feel that you could use one-to-one support on an issue, please book an appointment and we’ll be happy to help in the best way we can. These sessions are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Advice and Guidance
Here at Lifted, we keep ourselves abreast with the matters concerning caring and special educational needs. If you are encountering an issue in this regard, feel free to pop in during one of our drop in sessions, book an appointment, or send us an email. We’d be happy to speak with you.
Form Completion
We can assist you with completing forms. We also could refer you to various form-filling workshops that become available across Manchester from time to time.
Craft Circle
We have a weekly crafts group on Wednesdays. Just pop in and enjoy making things together with other parents and carers.