Day Trip to Gulliver’s World Warrington

    As previously announced, we are going on a trip to Gulliver’s World Warrington this 14th of October, with free tickets which you can get by visiting us at the centre in Wythenshawe.

    Families can get up to two free tickets per family, and you can request for more tickets in exchange for a donation. Your donations would be very much welcome and would go towards payment of the tickets as well as towards the running of the centre.

    Please note that people are responsible for their own transportation to/from the venue, as well as for their family members’ safety during the day. You can visit the Gulliver’s World website for information about their attractions, rides, and facilities. They also have an information sheet available for visitors with Special Needs, which you can download for printing.

    Much thanks to Gulliver’s World Warrington for kindly donating some tickets and for offering discounted ones to us.

    Please feel free to contact us if you’d like to know more.

    By | 2017-10-04T13:35:29+01:00 October 4th, 2017|Categories: Events, Trip|Tags: , , |

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