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Please see the message below about this event hosted by Manchester Carers Network:

Looking after someone? Imagine knowing where to go and feeling helped.

Come and tell your story to help shape the new carers’ strategy for Manchester. We aim for a city where carers are genuinely recognised, valued and supported. If you are looking after someone*, please come and have your say.

Central Manchester: Monday 8 January, 2018, 1.00pm-3.00pm
Methodist Central Buildings, Oldham St, Manchester M1 1JQ

North Manchester: Wednesday 17 January, 10.00am-12.00pm
Irish World Heritage Centre, 1 Irish Town Way, Manchester M8 0AE

South Manchester: Tuesday 23 January, 10.00am-12.00pm
Wythenshawe Forum (Room 2), Simonsway, Manchester M22 5RX

Have you ever felt that at events like this, you tell people what’s wrong but it doesn’t make the difference you were hoping for?
We will take a different approach. We will learn from what is working to highlight the things which help carers best and the best possible support which could be available in the future. It will be an informal event where everyone shares their experience.

Please tell us if you will attend, email hello@manchestercarersnetwork.org.uk
If you have access or other requirements or if you need help with travel costs or replacement care costs to attend, please let us know in advance.

If you are unable to attend and would like to be involved another way, please let us know. Feel free to forward this invite to someone else for whom you think it would be relevant.

Thank you,

Manchester Carers Network

*If you support, unwaged, a relative, partner or friend who due to physical or mental illness, disability, frailty or addiction could not manage without that support, then you are a carer.

The centre will be closed this morning, as our volunteers and staff will be at the Forum to attend the event.

We’ll reopen around 12:30pm, after the event.