Freephone Helpline for the Most Vulnerable

    Please see below a message from Manchester City Council about their new Central Hub to support Manchester’s most vulnerable people and help them cope with the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak.

    Help is available if you need it.We need you to share this with those you know that might need this service during these times.Our new freephone helpline will support the most vulnerable during these times. Our lines open from 8.30am from Monday 30 March 2020 & sit alongside our Coronavirus portal: The Hub’s freephone number is: 0800 234 6123The service will initially offer support to:- those 70+ who are self-isolating & have no support network- those who have received NHS letter advising they are at higher risk / medically vulnerable according to Government criteria- those self-isolating with no support networksTo learn more about our new Hub, how it works and how people who need it can access it – visit:

    Posted by Manchester City Council on Friday, March 27, 2020

    Freephone helpline to support most vulnerable in Manchester

    A new freephone helpline to support the most vulnerable people in Manchester during the Coronavirus pandemic will go live on from 8.30am from Monday 30 March 2020 and this will sit alongside our comprehensive online portal where people can access up to date information immediately.

    This new service will initially offer support to:

    People over the age of 70 who are self-isolating and have no support network

    People who have received a letter from the NHS advising they are at higher risk or are medically vulnerable according to government criteria

    Those who are self-isolating with no support networks (ie. friends or family).

    Help will also be available, but not limited to, other groups such as carers, care leavers or young carers.

    The primary needs that call handlers can help with are:

    Delivery of food

    Delivery of medication

    Combating loneliness

    Managing fuel top-up payments

    The Hub’s freephone number is: 0800 234 6123 and lines are open Monday to Saturday, between 8.30am and 5.30pm. The helpline is being operated by redeployed Manchester City Council staff.

    By | 2020-03-29T15:15:16+01:00 March 29th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

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